Milk Vending Open Level 2
We are finally open again. Get your raw milk from Wednesday (8th September) 8am onwards and then 24/7 as usual.
Please take the following precautions before entering the shed as well as during and after milk vending:
1. Do not enter the milk vending shed if you have any Covid-19 symptoms. Stay at home, contact your GP or Healthline.
2. You will need to wear a face mask because our shed is a confined space with plenty of surfaces where aerosol droplets can hang around for a while.
3. Mandatory record keeping comes into effect from 11:59 pm on 7 September 2021. Therefore you must either scan our QR code or sign into the Covid Tracing sheet (inside).
4. Please thoroughly wash and dry your hands at the outside sink or disinfect your hands with the supplied sanitiser BEFORE you enter the shed.
5. Please only enter the shed one at a time. Physical distancing of 2 metres between yourself and the next customer applies at all times.
6. Overall, please be mindful of how your cleaning and hygiene practices during milk vending may impact on the next few customers.
We thank everyone for your cooperation with these rules and look forward to seeing you soon
The Milk Team
